Photo stitching is the process of perspective warping of images, such that they
can be aligned perfectly. PTGui is a photo stitching application for Windows and Mac.
Assembling panoramas by simply overlaying them in a graphics
program will usually not give good results, because of the perspective transformations
that occur when a camera is rotated.
Further, every real life lens has a certain amount of distortion (barrel distortion or pincussion
which will worsen the stitching results even further.
The PTGui photo stitching software solves this by warping the images and correcting for lens distortion.
The images are positioned in 3D space, so that they match as best as possible.
Features of PTGui:
- Create spherical, cylindrical or flat panoramas from any number of source images
- Supports jpeg, tiff, png and bmp source images
- WYSIWYG Panorama editor for interactive editing and realtime preview
- Photo stitching
- Supports many panoramic projections
- Create templates with frequently used settings
- Includes spherical panorama viewer and web publishing tool
PTGui originally started as a
Interface for Panorama Tools (hence the name). Over the years it has evolved into the most versatile stitching software. It easily gives you high quality stitched panoramas from overlapping images or photographs.

Stitched using PTGui: